Colossians 2:6-7 NIV
I find myself in a continuous struggle with Satan. Every step I take I find him tempting me to veer down a different path. Every spare moment I have, I find him creeping into my life. Many times it is overwhelming. More times than I dare to think about, I have given in. I've allowed his influence to overpower my love for God, and in return, has lessened my resolve to live a life centered on my faith.
I have discovered that in order to stay deeply rooted in my faith, I need constant reminders and constant encouragement. That is one of the primary reasons for this blog. By expressing my faith in a public forum, I have people looking to me to carry out my faith in my daily life. Anything less is just words on a page.
Much like a strong house has to be built on a strong foundation, I realize now more than ever that Jesus is my solid rock I stand on. I am forever thankful for our father's love and live knowing my actions are an expression of my love for him. I just continue to pray that he will guide and direct me to do his will in every walk of life.
I pray tonight that he will continue to strengthen my faith and allow me to work towards his will. I know that the devil does his best to work in all of us, but it is ultimately through God's saving grace that we achieve salvation.
Right there with you, Brady! Keep up the good fight, friend.